The 1989 Secret Sessions: Los Angeles, New York, Nashville & Rhode Island

(Source: Taylor Swift via Instagram)
(Source: Taylor Swift via Instagram)

If you still think that Taylor Swift and her management are not making extraordinary efforts to get you to meet her, you really ought to check social media. Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr are abuzz.

The Blonde With The Sparkly Guitar has met, hugged and taken pictures with a ton of fans from Los Angeles, New York, Nashville and as of last night, Rhode Island. In addition to hanging around with Taylor, her family and her cats you got to hear the album early. Big shoutouts to @fearlesschef and @AGuySwiftie for finally having their Swift moment 🙂

What’s more, there’s contests out there to meet her AND see a tour concert (check out the 1989 Swiftstakes and Subway Freshbuzz).

Remember the official 1989 Swiftstakes that includes 250 Meets and Greets for two people. Taylor Swift’s new album, 1989, is released October 27. Taylor will be in New York City for the release. The Sparkly Dressed is nominated for Best Female and Best Look at the 2014 MTV EMA on November 9. You can vote here.

(Source: Taylor Swift via Instagram)
(Source: Taylor Swift via Instagram)

Coming up on the Calendar!

(Sources:Twitter, InstagramTumblr)