Miss It Now (For Sarah): Liz Huett’s latest single is out.

We’ve had our share of breakdowns, Lizettes and Lizards.

Here at the Swift Agency, just another blogger that’s a little too slow to keep up with Liz, we’re a little late to the party. This song was released in March 31st. That being said, this one really needs its own post. Some songs are sweet and quiet, some are just full of heart. Miss It Now (For Sarah) is a short but solid power ballad. I really wish it was longer. This one feels like it just needs to be belted out. This is one is definitely a song that you’d sing too loud with your best friend.

Every time she comes back with a new track, I feel there’s an evolution in her craft, as well as her production and quality. This one feels like a single for an upcoming album. It has a lot of nostalgia and memories. Of course, this is dedicated to her dear friend Sarah Barlow.

Coming up on the Calendar!

  • April 9th: Fearless (Taylor’s Version) is released. Fearlessly.

(Sources: Liz Huett. Photo: Sarah Barlow for Liz Huett)